Widow and Widowers Ministry

We found our peers in church often included widows/widowers. God laid it on our hearts to make it a ministry to take our church widows and widowers out to lunch for socialization and fellowship. Being older, we could see what losing a spouse or having one who is disabled and needing care can do. Each week we call to see how many of the widows and widowers who attend New Salem Church are doing and to plan a lunch with them. Sometimes we dine at their homes if they want to cook for us.  At least twice a year we have a larger gathering, either in a private home or a local venue large enough for a dozen seniors plus at least one of our pastors, so everyone gets to know each other better.

Our call is not to forget our elder single seniors who are often at a loss when they find themselves suddenly alone often with little or no family around. It is harder to schedule younger widows/widowers who are still working, but we sometimes have mid-life members and they are included as well. Everyone should seek what God has in mind for service to Him.