Children's Ministry

We have a wonderful children’s ministry at New Salem.  We also have a variety of special events throughout the year for children to participate in.  For more information, please contact us at

919-542-4832, or

Governing Values for Our Children’s Ministry

  • The Salvation and Discipling of Children through God’s Word.
  • Bible Knowledge and Values.
  • The Physical and Emotional Safety of Children.
  • Prayer as the Foundation for all Programs.
  • Children’s Involvement in the Ministry.
  • Curriculum that is supportive of Christian parenting done in the Home.

Parental Assistance

Our Children’s Ministries at New Salem Church are committed to assisting parents in fulfilling the scriptural admonition to train their children in a way that honors the Lord (Ephesians 6:4; Deuteronomy 6:6-9).  We believe that parents are primarily responsible for the discipleship and discipline of their children. The church should not usurp the authority given by God to parents, nor assume the responsibilities of parents who are lax in their duties. The church should give itself to teaching Biblical principles of parenthood and to holding parents accountable to carry out those Biblical principles. While we have an active program for children, it should be viewed as a supplementary role for parents, and not to replace them.

Children's Bible Study

Children's Bible Study is offered for children in grades Kindergarten-fifth Grade on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm September-June. Children are being taught a strong Biblical Foundation through stories, crafts, games, service projects, and more! They learn how to find Bible verses, key passages, and books of the Bible. Parents are encouraged to continue reviewing lessons at home during the week. Childcare is provided for children 0-4 years old.